
Angel Falls: Rebellion Chapter 1 Part 4

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“Yes, Death was here earlier, I had to speak to her about what has been happening on the surface. I don’t know if your choir has noticed during your patrols, but there has been an increase in supernatural deaths. That is why Raphael is here, two of his angels found a strange death, no trace of Angel or Hell fire, but the immune system appeared to have been burnt from the inside out. Though deaths overall haven’t increased, more people are dying supernaturally and we don’t think it's to do with low level demons,” Uriel’s face changed into something more serious and she narrowed her eyes slightly.

“That is strange. I haven’t experience an increase in demon activity myself, or even an increase of power levels in the demons, they’ve all been lower level weak demons. But that form of death, that sounds familiar for some reason. I swear I’ve read it in a book somewhere,” Azrael nodded and frowned slightly.

“Yes, I do believe you are right. Perhaps I should get someone to investigate at the library, see if there is any record of deaths like this happening in the past,” Raphael thought to himself, who would be best for a task like that? Uriel loved to read, but she could not sit still for long enough to research fully into this. If his own choir wasn’t so small, he’d volunteer some of his angels, for they were patient, but they were needed too much on the surface. Uriel’s choir, much like their leader, would not sit still long enough, and there was no point asking any of Michael’s or Gabriel’s choir, the former were too rowdy, and not the brightest, the latter were too busy. Perhaps Azrael would spare some of his choir?

“I’m going to ask Metatron if she can do the research,” Raphael’s train of thought jolted to a stop as he turned and stared at Azrael. The older Angel gave him a reassuring smile,

“Don’t worry Raphael, she won’t mind. She gets bored at the moment, I’m sure she’d love some time in the library,” Raphael stuttered a little

“You are going to ask the leader of Heaven to do research?” Azrael chuckled and Uriel joined in as well

“He is right, Raph, Metatron has been bored lately, Heaven pretty much runs itself these days, and she has no new Arch Angels to train now that we are fully trained, so she has no full time duties to fulfill. She does her daily audience, the few bits of paper work only she can sign off on and then she’s free the rest of the day,” Raphael sighed and thought for a moment

“I guess it might be a good idea. Who would approach her with this task? Because I certainly am not, she still slightly scares me sometimes. I think you would be a good candidate, Azrael. She respects you and you guys have known each other since the beginning of time,” Azrael nodded and clicked his fingers suddenly, bringing the illusion wall back in an instant, quieting the hushed whispers of the hour glasses.

“I guess I should go and do it now, I think she should be done with her paper work by now, and I have a spare moment. Plus, this is an important matter, so the sooner we look into it, the better,” Raphael nodded

“Good plan. Talking of paper work, I have some of my own I have to sort out, so if you both excuse me, I must go back to my offices,” He turned to Uriel and beamed brightly at her, “I shall still see you later for our walk though, won’t I?” Uriel beamed back and patted him on the shoulder merrily

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it, now that I’m back for a bit, normal programming shall resume,” Raphael raised an eyebrow at the human phrase and shook his head in bemusement.

“Good to hear, Uri. Azrael, thank you for speaking with me, it is always a pleasure,” Azrael smiled and nodded
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